
Author Archive

Tiny Uploader 2.52

March 13th, 2011 2 comments

* added a caption in the status bar indicating the amount of pictures you can upload to Imgur and the time the limit will reset (50 per hour as per their API).
* changed dropbox for a couple buttons for the upload/capture options for a little more convenience.

Grab it at

Categories: Software Tags:

Twitter library v0.33

March 5th, 2011 No comments

New version of my Twitter library for Delphi.

– xAuth/SSL support.

There are several changes in the login process, please read the usage.pas and changelog.


NDSTokyoTrim 2.5 beta

March 3rd, 2011 1 comment

New version of my popular nds rom trimmer available after more than ~2 years. New:

– Unicode support (filenames in japanese etc)
– Trimming of DSi enhanced roms

Grab it here:

Categories: Software Tags:

Articles imported from techsuki

March 3rd, 2011 8 comments

I’ve finally imported all my posts from into a new category here:

I will be closing the old website soon.

Categories: Misc, tehsuki import Tags:

Twitter library update 0.32

February 28th, 2011 No comments


Categories: Delphi stuff, Software Tags:

another twitter library update v0.31

February 27th, 2011 1 comment


– Added a method: RetrievePIN(user,pass), with this you can avoid the user having to login and return with an access PIN, the app will retrieve it on its own by simulating a login etc. Use with care, since this method is prone to errors whenever Twitter changes something in their login and auth process. Check usage.pas for details on when to use this.
Note: reposted with a small modification to fix an error in the preauth process, redownload if you got 0.3 before.


Here’s the magic:

procedure TwitterCli.RetrievePIN(user,pass: ansistring);
Var h: THttpCli;
    pvars,token,oatoken: ansistring;
    ts: TStringList;
    s,x: ansistring;
    a: Integer;

  LastReq := trRequestRawAccess;

  FCookie := '';
  ts := TStringList.Create;
  h := THttpCli.Create(nil);
  with h do
    url := ''+OAuthToken;
    RcvdStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
    OnDocEnd           := HTTPClientDocEnd;
    OnHeaderEnd        := HTTPClientHeaderEnd;
    OnBeforeHeaderSend := HTTPClientBeforeHeaderSend;
    OnCookie           := GrabCookie;
      on e:exception do
        if DebugMode then if Assigned(DebugMemo) then TMemo(DebugMemo).Lines.Add(e.Message);
        ResultStrings.Text := 'Error: '+e.Message;

      h.RcvdStream.WriteBuffer(#0' ', 1);
      h.RcvdStream.Position := 0;

  if h.StatusCode <> 200 then
    LastHttpStatus := h.StatusCode;
    ResultStrings.Text := 'Error in raw authentication on 1st step';
    h.RcvdStream.Free; h.RcvdStream := nil;

  if DebugMode then if Assigned(DebugMemo) then with TMemo(DebugMemo) do

    h.RcvdStream.Free; h.RcvdStream := nil;

  if FCookie[length(FCookie)] = ';' then Delete(FCookie,length(FCookie),1);

  if DebugMode then if Assigned(DebugMemo) then with TMemo(DebugMemo) do

  s := ts.text;
  if Pos('twttr.form_authenticity_token', s) > 0 then
    s := Copy(s,1,Pos('''',s)-1);
    LastHttpStatus := 0;
    ResultStrings.Text := 'Error in raw authentication prelogin';
    h.RcvdStream.Free; h.RcvdStream := nil;

  with h do
    url := '';
    RcvdStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
    SendStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
    pvars := ('authenticity_token=' + s +
             '&oauth_token=' + OAuthToken +
             '&session%5Busername_or_email%5D=' + user +
             '&session%5Bpassword%5D=' + pass);
    SendStream.Write(pvars[1], Length(pvars));
    SendStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
    OnDocEnd           := HTTPClientDocEnd;
    OnHeaderEnd        := HTTPClientHeaderEnd;
    OnBeforeHeaderSend := HTTPClientBeforeHeaderSend;
    Cookie := FCookie;
    if DebugMode then if Assigned(DebugMemo) then with TMemo(DebugMemo) do
     TMemo(DebugMemo).Lines.Add('Cookie before post='+FCookie);
    ExtraHeader := 'Origin:' + #13#10 +
                   'Referer:' + OAuthToken;
      on e:exception do
        if DebugMode then if Assigned(DebugMemo) then TMemo(DebugMemo).Lines.Add(e.Message);
        ResultStrings.Text := 'Error: '+e.Message;

      h.RcvdStream.WriteBuffer(#0' ', 1);
      h.RcvdStream.Position := 0;

    x := '';
    s := ts.Text;
    if Pos('<div id="oauth_pin">',s) > 0 then
      Delete(s,1,Pos('<div id="oauth_pin">',s)+19);
      s := Copy(s,1,Pos('<',s));
      for a := 1 to length(s) do
       if (Ord(s&#91;a&#93;) > 47) and (Ord(s[a]) < 58) then
        x := x + s&#91;a&#93;;

    LastHttpStatus := h.StatusCode;

    if x = '' then LastHttpStatus := 0
    else AccessPIN := x;

    if DebugMode then if Assigned(DebugMemo) then TMemo(DebugMemo).Lines.Add('PIN='+x);

    if DebugMode then if Assigned(DebugMemo) then with TMemo(DebugMemo) do

    if h.StatusCode <> 200 then ResultStrings.Text := 'Error in raw authentication on 2nd step';

    h.RcvdStream.Free; h.RcvdStream := nil;
    h.SendStream.Free; h.SendStream := nil;



procedure TwitterCli.GrabCookie(Sender: TObject; const Data: string; var Accept: Boolean);
  FCookie := FCookie + Data + ';';
Categories: Delphi stuff, Software Tags:

twitter library update

February 27th, 2011 No comments

Slightly modified my delphi twitter library to work with the latest ICS distribution and to remove the dependency of an altered OverbyteIcsHttpProt file.


Categories: Delphi stuff, Software Tags:

Twitter library for Delphi

February 27th, 2011 45 comments

2013 fix/update:

Edit: As of December 2012 Twitter api is using GZip in every callback, so you’ll have to enable content encoding before every Get/Post call, and then load the result from a gzipped stream in the RequestDone procs.

Edit June 2012: This twitter library is now deprecated and will no longer be updated. I’ve rewritten it as a generic OAuth lib to use with both Twitter and Imgur (and any other OAuth 1.0 services) for a closed source project.

This is my take on Open Auth and Twitter for Delphi. I recently had to look into it to update a twitter plugin for my Mal Upater application, so I made this small library along with a test application TwitMee. There is barely nothing at all for Delphi, and the little
I found was overcomplicated and didn’t work with Unicode (f.e. japanese symbols etc) (my library does).

I’ve been asked by a few people to make it open source, so here’s the code, use it freely as long you comply with the GPL v3 license.

Requirements: one of the latest versions of Delphi which includes Unicode. (probably easy to adapt using Jedi’s jcl implementation
for unicode strings as well).

Read more…

Categories: Delphi stuff, Software Tags:

UPS, hard drive mirroring

February 27th, 2011 No comments

I finally did it, bought a decent UPS.

This is something I was holding up for years, for some reason, and finally decided to get one. The area I live at is quite prone to having micro power cuts whenever it rains, and it’s so extremelly annoying when the PC keeps rebooting from those, you have 930493 things open and bam, all gone; rarely any data loss since I usually save any open docs very often, but having to re-open and prepare all the apps I use etc etc, specially while programming, is really frustrating.

A couple years ago I actually bought a cheap, really cheap, UPS, and omg did it suck. It was around 35 euro; whenever there was a power cut it would last a few seconds.. 4..5 then bam, off, followed by a really loud beeeeeeeeeeeep that never turned itself off even after power came back until you pressed a switch. It’s been buried under my bed since then.

This week I bought this:

it was around 65 euro, not a fortune either, and seems to be working nicely. I tried to manually cut the power and waited a few minutes, seemed to hold up just fine. I had plugged the case, 1 of my 2 24″ lcd screens, and the DSL router to the battery-backed plugs.

The software to manage it seems a bit messy to setup and you need to figure out yourself, the documentation is severely lacking, but after playing around a bit I got it. The display for the remaining time while on battery didn’t seem to work, it never showed anything even when I cut the power; maybe it needs a few minutes to “learn”.. dunno.

A view of the status:

Along with the UPS I ordered also a 2TB disk as I was planning to get one soon, so I fit it along as there no extra shipping charge for another small item. Shipping sucks here btw, was around 20 euro for the box; usually at least ~15 is the minimum for anything from the mainland.

So, I replaced an old 500GB disk with it. I had a 50 GB partition on it that was “using” for OSX (installed, played around with for 10 minutes then never booted back); I wanted to keep it since I’d like to take a look at programming for Cocoa and the iCrap sometime, and if you ever tried to install an OSX backup you’ll know it can be a real PITA to get it working.

So I was looking for a simple app to mirror the drive or at least the osx partition; last time I used anything like that was many years ago, old norton ghost through a bootup cd with a dos-like interface etc.

I looked into a few apps, first Paragon’s Backup & Recovery, but that didn’t work. It has a few options to make backups and restore images etc, but nothing to mirror a drive. You need to first make an image into a file then it has some options to restore it, none of which let me specify my new raw disk. Then tried a few others till I found one that actually worked with no hassles: R-Drive Image

was pretty simple and straightforward. So I did the cloning, booted back into the new drive, OSX ran up just fine.

Categories: Misc Tags:

TwitMee 0.21

February 17th, 2011 No comments

New version up, fixes a couple minor bugs.

Categories: Software Tags:

TwitMee update

February 15th, 2011 No comments

version 0.2 fixes a problem with unicode messages

Categories: Software Tags:

TwitMee 0.1

February 14th, 2011 1 comment

Extremelly simplistic and lightweight Twitter Client. No fancy graphics and complicated settings, only send status updates. Just type and click.

– Install: no install required, just run the exe from anywhere, it will store access details and be ready to send right away next time you start it. Doesn’t need any frameworks like .net, air etc , pure win32 app.
– Supports UNICODE, you can send status updates in Japanese etc.


Categories: Software Tags:

Tiny Uploader 2.51

January 19th, 2011 No comments
Categories: Software Tags:

Tiny Uploader 2.5

January 18th, 2011 No comments
Categories: Software Tags:

New website

March 21st, 2010 No comments

Techsuki v.2

Galleries and software are being moved to this domain.

Categories: Misc Tags: