Home > tehsuki import > Nissan (Japan) Develops Color Changing Paint for Vehicles

Nissan (Japan) Develops Color Changing Paint for Vehicles

November 10th, 2007 Leave a comment Go to comments

Source: Anandtech


Nissan hopes to give car buyers the ability to choose whatever color they like for their vehicle — at any time. Nissan has developed what it calls a “paramagnetic” paint coating — a unique polymer layer which features iron oxide particles is applied to the vehicle body. When an electric current is applied to the polymer layer, the crystals in the polymer are then interpreted by the human eye as different colors.

Depending on the level of current and the spacing of the crystals, a wide gamut of colors can be selected by the driver. However, since a steady current is needed to maintain the color effect, the paramagnetic paint doesn’t work when the vehicle is turned off — instead, the vehicle would revert back to a default white color.


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  1. November 13th, 2007 at 03:41 | #1

    Perfect Timing? or in Conjunction with their new 2009 Nissan GT-R. I have spoken to one of the designers (founder of Flomp-Fansubs) about the new 2009 Nissan, heavily about the new GT-R’s futuristic and radical looks and how finally large Japanese manufacturers are bringing their concept cars into both Asia and the North American / Europe continents, whichout it breaking apart. After a good discussion, there was no mention of such a development of a paint. Perhaps due to the release of this car the media wanted to know more about the colouring it had, and how the colour was not always the same during night day and other days. Perhaps a revolutionary concept of paint? Who knows.

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