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Nokia Prototype Generates Power from Ambient Radiation

DailyTech – Nokia Prototype Generates Power from Ambient Radiation.

Future Nokia devices may charge batteries without needing an AC outlet

Markku Rouvala, a researcher from the Nokia Research Centre in Cambridge, U.K., and a group of researchers are working towards a development that could lead to phones that are able to top off their batteries by harvesting power from ambient RF signals.

The type of radiation that the researchers are trying to harvest for the power comes from Wi-Fi transmitters, cell phones, TV antennas and other sources. Rouvala says that the prototype device that has been developed could harvest as much as 50 milliwatts of power. That amount of power would be sufficient to charge a phone that is switched off.

The current prototype is capable of harvesting only three to five milliwatts. Two passive circuits are required in the prototype device.

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