Mame Rom Tools 0.6

November 1st, 2022 Leave a comment Go to comments

Little tool to manage mame rom clones and quickly copy a filtered selection of roms by categories, manufacturer etc. Made it when I couldn’t find an easy/simple way to delete the clones files. With this you can very easily move the unneeded roms out or delete them or simply copy your favorite categories to another folder.

“How’s it better than RomCenter” and similar apps?”

  • Simple portable exe file, it doesn’t need half a GB just to display roms list (RC)
  • Lightning fast, parse DB in like a second (RC takes like half an hour)

Update 0.6: Nov 01, 2022

  • Some fixes, selectable rom categories for quick batch operations

Update 0.4: Nov 06th, 2017

  • Some fixes, new rom categories

Update 0.3: May 26th, 2017

  • Removed “missing roms” filter (kinda pointless, can do the same in any MAME)
  • Added categories to roms list page (a bit rudimentary)
  • Added rom sizes to list page
  • Added an option in roms list menu to count selection size
  • Some bug fixes

If you have a better list of rom categories please let me know and I will update the app with them.

Update 0.2:

  • Remember settings and auto-open/scan XML
  • Roms list tab: list missing roms and copy/move/delete selected roms
Download “Mame Rom Tools” – Downloaded 26064 times – 1.49 MB

Note: only for non-merged and split sets, not for merged.

2016-03-10 - 09.59.38 ~ capture 2016-03-10 - 21.21.41 ~ capture

2016-03-25 - 01.14.16 ~ capture

  1. admin
    November 6th, 2017 at 19:15 | #1

    @Gilberto marulanda
    try now, the downloads plugin was corrupting the file

  2. Gilberto marulanda
    November 6th, 2017 at 18:24 | #2

    Good afternoon Mr. Administrator still continues the problem brobe it in all the widnows XP 98 2000 8 and 10 and does not allow to run it sees it as an invalid application. it is possible to upload it again, I would thank you very much I am needing that program to erase my repeated roms or clones. I am very attentive. regards

  3. Gilberto marulanda
    November 6th, 2017 at 18:23 | #3


    Good afternoon Mr. Administrator still continues the problem brobe it in all the widnows XP 98 2000 8 and 10 and does not allow to run it sees it as an invalid application. it is possible to upload it again, I would thank you very much I am needing that program to erase my repeated roms or clones. I am very attentive. regards

  4. admin
    June 24th, 2017 at 09:01 | #4

    @James Edward Lewis II
    Works fine for me, tried in Chrome/Firefox/Opera/Edge, maybe you have some download accelerator or antivirus intercepting the download.

  5. June 24th, 2017 at 08:52 | #5

    The download appears to once again not work; I get the same error that Weltall got. Maybe you could upload it zipped; Windows 2000 and later are able to natively unpack ZIP files.

  6. admin
    March 30th, 2016 at 13:38 | #6

    Fixed, it seems the downloads plugin was corrupting the file upon download.

  7. Weltall
    March 30th, 2016 at 13:17 | #7

    Well I tried it, but it threw me an error as soon as I started;

    MameRomTools.exe is not a valid Win32 application.

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