Home > Delphi stuff, Misc, Software, tehsuki import > Tokyo Expose 0.1

Tokyo Expose 0.1

Tokyo Expose 0.1 / May 19 2008

Little application to somewhat simulate the Mac/Linux(KDE?) effect that shows live thumbnails of all open applications on screen. The thumbnails update in real time and light up when you hover the mouse over.

Simply run it; when you hover your mouse over the TOP-RIGHT corner of the screen, the expose will activate, and:
left-clicking a window = bring it up
right-clicking a window = close that program
left-clicking the desktop window = minimize all programs
ESC = cancel

To close it, click “exit” from the tray-icon menu

Requirements: Windows Vista 32/64 bits

Download: http://techsuki.net/apps/TokyoExpose/TokyoExpose.exe


Categories: Delphi stuff, Misc, Software, tehsuki import Tags:
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