
Archive for the ‘Software’ Category

twitter library update

February 27th, 2011 No comments

Slightly modified my delphi twitter library to work with the latest ICS distribution and to remove the dependency of an altered OverbyteIcsHttpProt file.


Categories: Delphi stuff, Software Tags:

Twitter library for Delphi

February 27th, 2011 45 comments

2013 fix/update:

Edit: As of December 2012 Twitter api is using GZip in every callback, so you’ll have to enable content encoding before every Get/Post call, and then load the result from a gzipped stream in the RequestDone procs.

Edit June 2012: This twitter library is now deprecated and will no longer be updated. I’ve rewritten it as a generic OAuth lib to use with both Twitter and Imgur (and any other OAuth 1.0 services) for a closed source project.

This is my take on Open Auth and Twitter for Delphi. I recently had to look into it to update a twitter plugin for my Mal Upater application, so I made this small library along with a test application TwitMee. There is barely nothing at all for Delphi, and the little
I found was overcomplicated and didn’t work with Unicode (f.e. japanese symbols etc) (my library does).

I’ve been asked by a few people to make it open source, so here’s the code, use it freely as long you comply with the GPL v3 license.

Requirements: one of the latest versions of Delphi which includes Unicode. (probably easy to adapt using Jedi’s jcl implementation
for unicode strings as well).

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Categories: Delphi stuff, Software Tags:

TwitMee 0.21

February 17th, 2011 No comments

New version up, fixes a couple minor bugs.

Categories: Software Tags:

TwitMee update

February 15th, 2011 No comments

version 0.2 fixes a problem with unicode messages

Categories: Software Tags:

TwitMee 0.1

February 14th, 2011 1 comment

Extremelly simplistic and lightweight Twitter Client. No fancy graphics and complicated settings, only send status updates. Just type and click.

– Install: no install required, just run the exe from anywhere, it will store access details and be ready to send right away next time you start it. Doesn’t need any frameworks like .net, air etc , pure win32 app.
– Supports UNICODE, you can send status updates in Japanese etc.


Categories: Software Tags:

Tiny Uploader 2.51

January 19th, 2011 No comments
Categories: Software Tags:

Tiny Uploader 2.5

January 18th, 2011 No comments
Categories: Software Tags:

Tokyo Expose 0.1

May 19th, 2008 No comments

Tokyo Expose 0.1 / May 19 2008

Little application to somewhat simulate the Mac/Linux(KDE?) effect that shows live thumbnails of all open applications on screen. The thumbnails update in real time and light up when you hover the mouse over.

Simply run it; when you hover your mouse over the TOP-RIGHT corner of the screen, the expose will activate, and:
left-clicking a window = bring it up
right-clicking a window = close that program
left-clicking the desktop window = minimize all programs
ESC = cancel

To close it, click “exit” from the tray-icon menu

Requirements: Windows Vista 32/64 bits



Categories: Delphi stuff, Misc, Software, tehsuki import Tags:

TokyoFileSearch 0.1

May 8th, 2008 1 comment

This is a very simple and lite application to index and search for files in your hard disks. Tired of the lame and cpu-intensive file search stuff in windows I decided to make my own. It needs to be manually re-indexed when you add new files but it suits my needs.

Download: (322 KB)

Runs in Windows 95 to Vista, either 32 or 64 bits. Does NOT require .net
Simply download and run it somewhere. It will create a file called “index.db” when you run the indexer, in the same exe folder, don’t delete it.

Consider it a beta since there is a lot to be done, it’s very raw now.. but does its job. Check back later for updates.

Click on the pictures for a bigger screenshot.

Categories: Delphi stuff, Misc, Software, tehsuki import Tags: